A Life Change Group [LCG] is a group for people who need Jesus to change them from the inside-out. This tool has been adapted from the effective Life Transformation Group format and was crafted by those who ministering with those incarcerated. These four-fold brochures have their wording scaled back to a simplified reading level (ex. “change” rather than “transformation”), yet the questions are still penetrating. Attached is a tear-off bookmark that can be used for the weekly meetings. In dozens of prisons, this tool is being used for discipleship among the inmates.
An LCG is made up of two or three people, all of the same gender, who meet weekly for personal accountability for their spiritual growth and development. It is recommended that a group not grow past three but rather multiply into two groups.
Each LCG card has instructions for how to do the LCG as well as a perforated/tear-off card which is used as a bookmark to use during the week and to facilitate the LCG meetings. Each sturdy 4-fold pamphlet has space on the back for a church or ministry to put an address label or stamp as well.
We encourage chaplains, churches, and those ministering in prisons to share this viral tool so that imprisoned Christians might accomplish the uncommon work of reproducing spiritual disciples who can in turn reproduce others.
© 2011 Neil Cole
Published by CMA Resources
ISBN-13: 978-0-9843930-9-1
ISBN-10: 0-9843930-9-9
Heavyweight 4-panel brochure with perforated bookmark